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About Us

About Us

Welcome to Sekolah Dian Harapan, we provide a Christ-centered, transformative and holistic education. We believe parents as the prime educator of their children to walk alongside with the school as the second home for your children.


SDH is a network of Christian schools under the Pelita Harapan Education Foundation that offers K-12 education. Starting in 1995 in Lippo Village, SDH currently has 17 campuses throughout Indonesia, with around 14,000 students.

We welcome you to know more about SDH, please contact us, ask about what we believe and do at school. We want to provide a second home for your children.

About Student Profile SDH
Pelita Harapan Education Foundation's top ranks

Sekolah Dian Harapan is school under the Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan group. The Foundation founded by the late (alm) Dr. (H.C) Johannes Oentoro, Ph.D. and Dr. (H.C). James T. Riady in 1995.



the Founding member

Our founders envisioned quality educations for Indonesian children with three different tier of schools. The dream of our founders was to establish 10 units of Sekolah Pelita Harapan - International type of school, 100 units of Sekolah Dian Harapan - national type of school and 1000 units of Sekolah Lentera Harapan - a subsidized school all across Indonesia.

Sekolah Dian Harapan is a Christian school providing holistic transformational education based on enriched national curriculum, aiming to develop students to be the change agents of the world. The word “Dian” means “an apparatus that gives off light”, which envision Dian Harapan schools as a source of Hope and Light for Indonesia’s future in education. There are currently seventeen established units of SDH in different location:

  • SDH Lippo Village, Tangerang (1995)

  • SDH Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi (2002)

  • SDH Makassar (2003)

  • SDH Daan Mogot, West Jakarta (2005)

  • SDH Ranotana, Manado (2011)

  • Sekolah Palembang Harapan (2012)

  • SDH Holland Village, Manado (2016)

  • SDH Kupang (2016)

  • SDH Bangka (2016)

  • SDH Lubuklinggau (2017)

  • SDH Medan (2017)

  • SDH Bogor (2017)

  • SDH Jember (2019)

  • SDH Jambi (2022)

  • SDH Ambon (2023)

  • SDH Karawang (2025)

  • SDH Sentul (2025)

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For all things have been created through Him and for Him.

-- Col 1:16 --

School Iprovement of SDH

School Improvement


Professional Development and Curriculum Enrichment team was formed few years ago with the role to work closely, mentoring school leaders for strategic plan for school development. It is our beliefs that when the school leaders and teachers understand the big story of Christian education, there will be creative ideas and performances in each context. Teachers development is crucial for a good school.

Start from 2016, all SDH is the member of Association of Christian School International - Indonesia. Being a member of ACSI will guide SDH to make sure that we are teaching students holistically and give attention to spiritual formation of our students. Further, ACSI will be another accreditation body for SDH to ensure strategic plan for continual improvement.

School Improvement

Professional Development and Curriculum Enrichment

Sekolah Dian Harapan will improve their schools in various aspects through the help of PDCE Team. Various Professional Developments are conducted by PDCE team and other expertises to inspire teachers and staffs. PDCE team also develop important foundational resources, such as Curriculum Framework, scope and sequence documents to support curriculum enrichment.



Biblical Foundations curriculum and program.


Collaborative Strategic Planning aligned with Vision and Mission


SDH to grow as a learning community in a shalom community
Profesional Develompment of SDH
A vibrant website showcasing a diverse group of students engaged in various educational activities, highlighting the essence of a school community.

Take a Short Tour in Our Campus

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transformative learning community today.

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