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academic overview sekolah dian harapan

Academic  Overview

Dian Harapan School will prepare and educate the students based on Christ-centered and Biblical Christian Worldview perspective, viewing them as God’s image and likeness, so they are be able to live fulfilling their calling in the midst of real life’s challenges among the society.


SDH Improvement  to 21st Century Skills

21st Century Skills

Prepare understudies to confront what's to come.

SDH realizes that our students are now living in 21st-century era and they need to develop some skills to fulfill their calling and facing life’s challenges:

  • Communication skill

  • Collaborative

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

  • Creativity 

Education For Life
and Shalom

We believe that Godly character is a fruit from Holy Spirit

Dian Harapan School is willing to give opportunities for the students to reflect Godly characters and faith in Christ through learning activities at school. We believe that Godly character is a fruit from Holy Spirit. The students need to learn, get the model and culture that will build their values, cultures and characters. Teacher needs to plan the learning intentionally where culture and Godly character’s establishment is easily growing. Therefore, we can say that education in Dian Harapan School is an education that train the students to live, not only to prepare their lives and future but also for eternity, to prepare and teach the students more preciously, more greatly how to live before God and respond to His calling.

Education for life & Shalom
Longlife Learning Community

Life Long Learner's Community

Dian Harapan School Community is a community which consists of Christ’s disciples, where teachers, staffs and other workers are called by God to be a learner, not only in this world but also to be a long life learners. To be involved in Dian Harapan School community means that we will be a long life learner, that is every student who has been entrusted to us will involve in a community who have desire and calling to know, walk with, and love God and His word.

Student's Holistic Achievements

Dian Harapan School encourages the students to do the best and excel in any area, including language, science, art, social science, technology and information, physical and wellness, mathematics, social justice, etc. There is no specific favorite area because we realize that all things that God created are all good. Students are nurtured and encouraged not only to excel in their academic achievements but also in their skills to serve community.

Student's Holistic Education

Be a part of our lifelong,
transformative learning community today.

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