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What's on SDH
News & Events

Sep 21, 20211 min read
First Day of School 2021/2022
Praise the Lord! Even though we are still learning online and have not met face to face, it has not extinguished the enthusiasm of...

Sep 21, 20211 min read
Parent Webinar: Stratrgi Pemilihan Karir di Era Society 5.0
We are in the age of Society 5.0 and the career choices of our children will be changing. Let's prepare a strategy for choosing the...

Sep 21, 20211 min read
Student Chapel: Living in God's call
In a series of Edufair events at SDH Daan Mogot, Mr. Samuel delivered the Word of God in the Student Chapel session as a provision for...

Sep 21, 20211 min read
SDH Virtual Edufair Open for Public
Don't forget to follow the Virtual Edufair SDH Daan Mogot through the website In this Virtual Edufair, students...
Recent Events

Natal IIBI SDH Daan Mogot: Moms in Pressure-NO, Moms in Prayer-YES
Telah menjadi isu umum bahwa dalam keluarga, para ibulah yang lebih berkomitmen dalam menjaga keutuhan keluarga. Bukan berarti para ayah...

Christmas Celebration TK & SD 2024: Because He First Loved Us
Penampilan penuh semangat murid SD dalam tarian Natal. Natal TK dan SD tahun ini mengambil tema “Because He First Loved Us” yang diambil...

Natal SMP dan SMA 2024: Kelahiran Kristus, Bukti Cinta Allah pada Manusia
Menyanyikan lagu Natal di depan penonton. Perayaan Natal di SMP dan SMA tahun ini dipenuhi dengan rasa sukacita dan kebersamaan. Beberapa...
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