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Jl. R.W. Mongonsidi RT 017/RW 005, Kel. Fatululi Kec. Oebobo, Kupang, NTT


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Welcome to our Second Home, SDH Kupang.

Our foremost desire is to educate children in reverence to the Lord and to faithfully uphold the vision and mission of Sekolah Dian Harapan, which are Faith in Christ, True Knowledge, and Godly Character.

May the entire SDH Kupang community continue to be effective witnesses of Christ and consistently depend on the Grace of God and the Truth of His Word, in facing times that are being swayed by values contrary to the truth of the Bible.


May the abundant grace of God accompany and sustain us all.

Message from the Head Of School



School Schedule

Junior School

Kindergarten 1
10.30 - 13.30
10.30 - 13.00
Kindergarten 2
10.30 - 13.30
10.30 - 13.00
Kindergarten 3
07.00 - 10.00
07.00 - 09.30
Junior 1 - 2
07.00 - 13.00
07.00 - 10.15
Junior 3 - 4
07.00 - 14.00
07.00 - 11.00
Junior 5 - 6
07.00 - 14.00
07.00 - 11.00

Senior School

Senior 7 - 9
07.30 - 14.30
07.30 - 12.00
Senior 10
08.00 - 15.00
08.00 - 12.30
Senior 11 - 12
08.00 - 15.00
08.00 - 12.30

School Location


Jason Palenewen Alumni SDH

Jason Palenewen

SDH Kupang (Class of 2016)

While attending SDH, I was always guided step by step by my teachers. Their role in my 3 years of high school life turned out to be bigger than what I expected before I attended SDH. All the challenges and difficulties during high school, never escape the attention and care of the teachers. They will work extra hard to make sure we understand and understand the material and learning objectives. In addition, I also feel that the support that we students receive is not only limited to school lessons, but also in all extracurricular activities, competitions, competitions, etc. Everything that my friends and I live and do, will definitely be given the best effort by the school to ensure that we can get the most out of these activities.
As an SDH alumni, I really feel that my personal changes in terms of faith, knowledge, and especially character have prepared me to live a life outside the auspices of SDH. I am grateful to have been part of the SDH family and I hope many people can feel the same way I felt through SDH, Lord Jesus bless.

Be a part of our lifelong,
transformative learning community today.

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