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Improving Senior School Health: The Benefits of Collaborative Health Screening with Puskesmas Panunggangan

Health Screening

Health Screening is an annual health check activity conducted at Sekolah Dian Harapan Lippo Village in collaboration with the Panunggangan Barat Community Health Center (Puskesmas). This event aims to monitor the cleanliness and health of the students. The types of examinations performed include blood pressure checks, ear examinations, dental and oral health, and Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements.


The target students for this year's screening are 7th and 10th graders. For the 10th graders, the screening took place on August 29, 2024, while for the 7th graders, it is scheduled for September 26, 2024. In addition to the screening, students received health education from doctors. Specifically, female students received counseling on anemia (its causes, management, and prevention), hemoglobin (HB) testing, and iron supplements for those who needed them. The HB levels will be rechecked after taking the supplements regularly, as prescribed by the doctor, and will continue to be monitored.


After receiving this counseling, the female students have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of maintaining normal HB levels, especially for those planning to marry and have children. They now understand the dangers of anemia and know how to prevent it by consuming foods that help increase HB levels.




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