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Junior High School Language Literacy Week: "We Own This Nation!"

murid-murid kelas 7 dengan antusias mendengarkan pembacaan dongeng pagi melalui radio sekolah, wajah mereka penuh semangat menyerap cerita yang dibagikan

With the theme "We Are the Owners of the Indonesian Nation," the Literacy Week, held for a week (November 13-17, 2023), aims to celebrate the language and culture of Indonesia through various literacy activities. Throughout the week, every morning, students listen to the narration of folk tales told by several 7th-grade students for 10 minutes via the school radio. The activities continue with a 20-minute reflection in each class on effective and proper communication.

During the 1st and 2nd break sessions, Class 12 participates in "Suara Nusantara" (The Voice of the Archipelago). Suara Nusantara involves singing regional songs such as Gundul Pacul, Ampar-Ampar Pisang, Sinanggar Tulo, Anak Kambing Saya, Jali-Jali, Cublak-Cublak Suweng, and Yamko Rambe Yamko. All performances are presented in an engaging manner. Not to be left out, the teachers also actively participate in celebrating Suara Nusantara by performing a medley of Indonesian songs.

The culmination of the activities is marked by Nusantara Culinary, Literacy Exhibition, Interactive Literacy Games, and Arts Performances. This culmination event emphasizes the spirit of "involvement," ensuring that all students have a role in participating in the program. Cooking and eating, visiting and being visited, performing and appreciating, as well as reading and playing, are activities that support students in getting to know and celebrating Indonesian culture and language even more. Quoting the sweet words of Sapardi Djoko Damono, "I want to love you simply, with words that wood never had the chance to say to the fire that turned it into ash," let love in the language and culture of Indonesia always be celebrated by every individual in simple and meaningful ways, because we are the owners of this nation.


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