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Pursuing Holiness Starts from the Family": A Series of Family Month Activities at Dian Harapan Lippo Village Preschool and Elementary School

short drama skit performed by teachers on the topic of family

Dian Harapan School Lippo Village Preschool and Elementary School dedicates a month from October 30 to November 25, 2023, as Family Month. The theme for the activities is "Pursuing Holiness Starts From the Family," reflecting the Biblical Manhood Womanhood being instilled in the SDH community. A series of events have been planned, involving parents in activities such as Coffee for Parents, Daddy's Week, Mommy's Week, and a Family Seminar.

The Family Month commenced with the opening ceremony featuring a short drama skit performed by teachers on the topic of family. The skit was watched by the students after the flag ceremony on Monday, October 30, 2023. Coffee for Parents is a mini-seminar aimed at introducing the concept of holy living and sharing experiences to strengthen mutual support. Following the mini-seminar, parents are encouraged to strengthen their relationships with their children through interactive play for TK to 4th-grade students and discussion sessions for 5th and 6th-grade students.

Daddy's Week and Mommy's Week are special events where the school invites fathers and mothers, respectively, to lead devotion sessions in their children's classrooms. Daddy's Week takes place from November 1 to 15, 2023, while Mommy's Week is scheduled for November 16 to 24, 2023.

The pinnacle of the Family Month activities is the Family Seminar held on Saturday, November 25, 2023. The seminar, hosted at the Mentawai campus Chapel, invites all parents, teachers, and staff from the SDHLV community. The speakers for this seminar are Pastor Yakub Tri Handoko, Ph.D., and Mrs. Krisna Dewi Maharti, M.Th. The seminar focuses on the topic of "God's Precious Children."

As an educational institution with a Christian foundation and a vision for holistic student growth, Dian Harapan School Lippo Village continues to instill and build upon the essence of identity and life purpose rooted in Biblical Manhood Womanhood. The school embraces the calling to proclaim these principles within the community. Therefore, it is hoped that this series of activities will allow the school community and parents to learn and grow together in the recognition of God. Parents are encouraged to become role models, fostering the growth of their children in living out the divine values that honor God.

Soli Deo Gloria!


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